Ways to Maximise Your After-work Hours

3 min readMay 14, 2020

The workday is finally over and some ‘me time’ is rightfully called for. For many of us, this could be vegging out in front of the TV, unwinding with friends, or simply doing nothing.

But the reality is the work of a different nature beckons. From doing the laundry, getting the groceries, cooking a meal, cleaning the house to paying the bills, the chores seem endless. For parents, responsibilities such as spending time with the kids, tutoring them, and tucking them into bed only add to the long to-do list.

With so much to do and so little time, how can you make better use of your after-work hours? Well, time is of the essence! Be sure to abide by these simple tips so as to help you maximize every minute of your free time.

Plan your week

Create a schedule for your weekly tasks. For example, designate a day for doing the grocery run, a day for tidying up the house, and a day for working out. With a plan in mind, it’s easier to get things done instead of deciding what to do only when the workday is over. Be flexible with your plan and shift things around to accommodate your schedule if need be.

Essence of chicken

Pick up a new skill

Work can get mundane, but your after-work routine doesn’t have to be. Sign up for a class or join a club to try your hand at something new. Learn to write poetry, explore craft-making, or become part of a cycling team. Find something that interests you or a passion you’ve always wanted to pursue. This way, you’ll get to broaden your horizons and make new friends along the way.

Switch off from work

If possible, try not to check your work email after you’ve left the office. A lot of professionals suffer from work-related stress because they’re burdened by the obsessive need to check their emails constantly.

In fact, there are studies that suggest that the less you check your email, the less stress you’ll experience. So let go of work and keep yourself occupied by watching a movie, reading a book, or hanging out with friends. Without work bearing down on you, your mood will improve and you’ll find that you can accomplish more.

Essence of chicken

Make time for family

It’s unavoidable that work can get hectic at times, but that doesn’t mean that you should neglect your relationships. Do make it a point to spend time with your partner or family every day.

It can be as simple as preparing and having a meal together. Take the opportunity to interact and find out how your loved ones are doing. For those with children, be sure to bond with the little ones to show that you care.

Look after your health

Stress and long hours can take their toll on your mind and body. But you can better manage them by staying active and eating right. All it takes is a moderate 30-minute workout for you to feel more energized and refreshed. Munching on wholesome meals can also help to provide you with the right nutrients to rejuvenate your body.

And if you need a nourishing supplement, drink a bottle of BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken with American Ginseng. In Chinese herbal remedies, American Ginseng is a common ingredient used to alleviate the signs of fatigue. Take this quality chicken essence as part of a balanced diet to help your body recover after a long day.




BRAND’S is one of the leading providers of health, beauty & wellness supplements. It is the leading essence of chicken brand in the world.